Welcome to Innovation,
Welcome to Sun Global Investments.
Sun Global was established in 2008 by entrepreneur Mihir Kapadia, who took a calculated risk when he launched Sun Global during the global financial crisis.
Mihir’s foresight and expertise saw him steer the company through the worst financial market crisis in recent history. “2008 was a year of financial turmoil, first Bear Stearns folded then Lehman faced the same fate. Financial Services were hugely affected and were in a state of complete flux”, explains Mihir. When the focus on markets steered to the West, Mihir began to identify lucrative investment opportunities in emerging markets. Today, Sun Global is recognized as a trusted investment firm for investors looking to take advantage of changing market opportunities.
A focus on the emerging markets helped Sun Global create cut-through in the industry. Mihir says: “From the onset, we were solely focused on the emerging markets. Having the emerging markets versatility helped us to develop better results for our clients; as they were doing better it encouraged Sun Global Investments to constantly stay one step ahead of the game by introducing new ideas.”
Mihir continues to infuse financial creativity into the firm, positioning it as one of London’s most innovative and idea-centric business houses.
“When the world was going zig during the financial crisis we were moving zag. It really made us think. We were able to find a niche for ourselves by not only doing things differently but thinking differently as well; by having a different voice, Sun Global Investments has become known in the industry as an ‘ideas factory’ ”, says Mihir.
The Team
Sun Global’s team comprise of industry leading financial experts, who have jointly garnered over 100 years of industry experience.
We proudly and successfully contribute to our company’s vision of creative investing, uncompromising professionalism, and client-focused ideals.