
Category: Views & Analysis

HomeViews & Analysis (Page 12)

From The CIO’s Desk

There is no market revolution. Plus ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose (The more things change, the more they stay the same). The global news media has focused on recent events in the US markets where large numbers of individual traders have pushed up stocks in which Hedge Funds ...

Financial Market Review

Equities Stockmarkets had a strong 2020 and valuations are looking very high by historical standards. The very strong rally since March 2020 has clearly lost some of its momentum. This week there were a lot of headlines generated by Day Traders spectacularly pushing up prices in certain stocks in a ...

From The CIO’s Desk

Partying like it is 1999 My son has just turned 21 but he did not have much of a party as he was locked down in a university room. The market, on the other hand, has been partying hard of late and seems to be looking back to December 1999. Current market conditions reminder ...

From The CIO’s Desk

The Outlook for 2021… Reasons to Cheer! 2020 was the year that the world was completely turned upside down by a Global Pandemic and there were very few reasons to be cheerful. Indeed, as I write this the USA announces the highest number of daily deaths and hospitalisations from Coronavirus ...

Chairman’s Desk

A time to heal and time to invest! So finally its done! The rollercoaster of a ride, that was the 2020 US elections has finally come to its end! President-elect, Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris, will be in White House on January 20, 2021. That along with the announcement of successful trials of ...

Chairman’s Desk

Investing is both a science and an art. Over the last few months, I have been asked umpteen times which way is the market headed? What exactly is going on and when will this madness end? Like most things in life, most journeys do not have short cuts and essentially ...

CIO Views

How to profit from a likely victory for Joe Biden in the US Presidential election. Summary The opinions polls point to a likely victory for Joe Biden in the US Presidential Election. While markets have partly repriced the “risk” of a Biden victory they have not fully focused on the sector and  portfolio ...

Long-Term Wealth Creation Through Investing in Equities – Chapter 02

Long-term investment in equities is the best way to create long term wealth for most people. In the first note in this series, we discussed Benjamin Graham’s view of the market as a voting machine in the short run and a weighing machine in the long run. Market prices can be volatile in ...

Long-Term Wealth Creation Through Investing in Equities – Chapter 01

Long-term investment in equities is the best way to create long term wealth for most people. You can invest in bonds or cash if you need income or want to preserve the value of capital in the short run but for long term wealth creation, for most people investing in equities is the ...

Bond Markets and Central Bank Action in the Covid Crisis

When the full impact of Coronavirus hit the market, almost all risk assets fell sharply for one whole month from late February to March 23rd in a widespread market panic. Equities, Corporate Bonds, Financial Bonds, EM bonds and Commodities. Virtually the only assets that rose were the US dollar and ...